Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Teaching Must-Have Tool

Without ability to project to a projector screen or an LCD screen, the iPad is essentially useless in the classroom.

The first item you need to obtain (and fork some of your hard-earned $$ over to Apple) is the dock-to-VGA adapter.  I would not mess with after-market versions but would go straight to the source:

Equipped with this dongle, you should be able to use the regular VGA cable (often supplied by your school's IT office) to connect the iPad to any giant screens in your room.

Now, keep in mind that not everything on your iPad can be projected via a VGA cable.  Only certain apps at this point have the VGA capability.  Straight out of the box, the apps that can work in this fashion are:

You Tube
Photos (slideshow only)

Stay tuned for other apps I may uncover along the way...

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